Classic Pedicure
Our basic pedicure includes nailicimming and shaping buffing, cuticle grooming, callus treatment, lotion massage, hot towel wrap and regular polish color of your choice.
Deluxe spa pedicure
Our deluxe pedicure includes nail trimming and shaping, buffing, cuticle grooming. callus treatment, sugar scrub exfoliation, lotion massage, hot towel wrap and regular polish color of your choice.
Athena pedicure
Our Athena pedicure includes nail trimming and shaping, buffing, cuticle grooming and conditioning, callus treatment, sugar scrub exfoliation, hot oil candle massage, paraffin treatment in softens the skin, hot towel wrap and regular polish. This services help relax stressed skin to promote healthy & vibrant skin's.
Royal pedicure
This botanical service utilizes premium natural ingredients to replenish and enrich the skin. Nail trim, shape & buff, cuticle groom, callus smoother & sofßener, sugar scrub exfoliant, mask treatment, hot oil candles massage. paraffin treatment, finished with hot towels & regular polish. This service helps in reducing fine line wrinkles, Hemishes and other sign of aging. Our paraffin treatment in softens the skin.
Paradise pedicure
This service utilizes premium natural ingredienes so replenish and enrich the skin. Nail trim, shape & buff canicle groom, culus smoother & softener, sugar scrab exfoliant, hote, mask treten, paraffin moisturining trument finished with hot towels & regular poloh. Hot oil candle message is applied to decreuse hidrevention swelling. Hot stones will keep the skin ring and reduces the appearance of skin wrinkles.
* Golden pedicure
The Gold Spa Plicure is the symbol of wealth, wellbeing, strength, and warmik More than 4000 years ago, the Egyptians knew of the positive effect of this treasured precious metal on the body and soud Scenic fundings of the medical active of gold were the inspiration for the gold spa treatment. The treatment receives all the benefits of a regular pedicure as well as a bubble bath souk, not sovel wrap, extollunt, cullus treument, and a strong massage with hor stone. Paraffin heel treatment will be added after all and ends with a gorgeous tor polish.